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Freeride films from the Innsbruck scene with the locals live on stage are presented at the Freeride Filmbase Festival. The E.O.F.T., on the other hand, shows true international adventures. Without a script and without special effects.
Day ticket Alpinmesse and ticket E.O.F.T. - € 25,-
Discount on day ticket Alpinmesse on presentation of Freeride Filmbase ticket - € 3,-
E.O.F. T. - European Outdoor Film Tour
10 November 2024, 7.00 p.m. | Congress Innsbruck, Dogana
24 November 2024, 7.30 p.m. | Haus der Musik
At the European Outdooor Film Tour, you can see the best outdoor and adventure films of the year. Visitors can expect a two-hour adventure trip across the globe. Six films show six unique and exciting paths through the world and life. A raft trip into the unknown, mountain biking in the Philippines and climbing in the Sierra Nevada - with these and many more exciting adventures, EOFT will be back on the big screen.
6 films | total running time: 120 minutes

Freeride Filmbase
14 - 16 November 2024 | Metropol Kino
Innsbruck is home to a diverse community of top freeriders and freeride filmmakers from different regions. They produce films that show the breadth and depth of the genre and establish Innsbruck as a leading global location for freeride films. The annual ‘Freeride Filmbase’ event presents the latest films from this scene in the largest cinema hall in western Austria at the Metropol cinema in Innsbruck.